Think Level Four


Learning that drives performance

What we offer

Think Level Four designs and delivers learning

Think Level Four designs and delivers learning interventions for three specific profiles : Leaders, Managers, Individual Contributors.

Leadership & Managerial Learning Journeys

Managerial programs are focussed on striking a balance between people orientation and task orientation along with advanced communication skills to achieve results. Live sessions are interspersed with structured coaching/mentoring sessions along with on-the-job assignments that get evaluated with actionable feedback.


A growing number of organizations recognize the value in coaching interventions that offer employees at all levels the opportunity to grow their skills, enhance their value and reach their professional goals.


Years of research show that personality can be used to predict patterns of behaviour. Personality can account for up to 18% variance in job performance. Understanding one’s personality can contribute to their success in a role..

Custom Workshopss

Custom designed workshops are tactical short burst programs focussed towards helping learners acquire attitude, knowledge and specific skills required to excel work.